August 2018 Everything on earth is now in flux. Fear not. Instead welcome the transformation. It's time to make plans and decisions that benefit you, others and the planet. Even if it is not popular, it is time to plan, act and speak up. It is time to harness your Mother Bear energy to protect the young and vulnerable. This transitional energy will push and pull on everyone. Some people will have temper tantrums or feel out of balance. Check in with yourself. You can notice if you are out of balance. Balance your left and right brains. Balance earth and sky energies. This can be done with meditation, reflection and/or energy healing. Aim for your long term goals. Go forward. Be steady. Stay on the path and stick it out. You are being led to freedom. Your patience, calm and sense of humor will bring rewards. Make friends with the ego and shadow sides that we all have. Get to know your buttons. Learn from them. You can say no to temptation and free yourself. This is an amazing time for intuition and insights. Trust your gut. If you need help with energy healing and balancing, please contact me at [email protected] or call me (707) 769-9997. Mercury is now in retrograde, July 26-August 7. While Mercury is doing its retrograde thing, you can do your own version of retrograde: reflect, research, renew, revisit and revise. It is especially important to take care in regards to communication of all sorts, from words spoken, texts and emails to legal contracts. Mercury can make a mess of communications. Go slow and review. Likewise with travel, now is a good time to plan but avoid, if you can, buying tickets or beginning a trip. I am going to be changing the newsletter schedule in the upcoming months. Instead of pushing to send something out to you on the first of each month, I'm going to send a newsletter or news flash when Spirit sends me something to pass on to you. That means it may arrive in the middle of the month. Some months you might get two and other months none. I think this change will better allow me to be responsive to messages from Spirit and send them to you in a timely manner. Let me know your thoughts on this. For help with healing, connection with Higher Self and guidance to help you on your path, contact me at or call or text me at 707-769-9997. May you be healed because in truth you already are. Many blessings, Sibyl Harmony
[email protected] Sibyl Harmony is available for Individual & Group readings as well as speaking and teaching engagements.
Check out her new book White Rainbows and have her speak at your next event or reach out to book her for a for reading, next get together, spiritual gathering, team building day, Networking event or healing circle. For entrainment purpose only. if you are ill consult your doctor. No refunds at all after booking. |
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