February 2018 Hello beloved ones. Welcome to my February 2018 newsletter. I like to start my day saying, "May I live a day of Heaven on earth today. May I be of service to whomever God puts in front of me. Guide me and show Your will for me"’ Then I listen. If something happens I don’t like, I don’t pay attention too much. I feel deeply grateful in my heart because I know that everything is here to help and teach me learn and grow. Welcome to earth school. What would you like to create in your life? Today be brave enough to help someone else. It could be something as simple as a smile, a kind word, a blessing, a big or small action, or a prayer. Everything you do will come back to you in this physical realm, which is a very nice, positive thing. So, what will you do today for someone else? Sometimes saying no, setting a boundary, giving, or sharing is the medicine you needed to offer in that moment. Sometimes it is as simple as taking the time to listen, because every single one of us wants to be deeply heard. It takes love and strength to listen and be there for someone else. The deepest, kindest listening is done without judgement including not assessing yourself. Are you listening to the ones you love with patience and humor? It is both healing and inspiring to let someone in pain vent and then validate their pain. In terms of giving back to yourself, listen to your voice and heart with compassion. Sometimes you need to see your feelings in written form to really hear them. Journaling is a great way to be there for yourself. Journaling can be a conversation between you and God. Are you giving yourself quiet space and time to reflect? Are you listening to your body, exercising, resting, caring, and eating well? Creativity brings the feminine energy into balance. Gardening, cooking, writing, art and dance are all creative, healing activities. When was the last time you made time for your creativity? Every word you say is a vibration going out to heal the world. Singing, praying and chanting are beautiful ways to heal. This month if you like you can love yourself and others in a way that shows your service to earth, to people and to yourself. Channel Message
I am a spiritual healer and guide. When clients come to sit in front of me, I know I’m looking at the Divine Source in physical form. It is a great honor and a tremendous responsibility. I love everyone, no matter who they are or what they have done in the physical world. I set the intention that they be forgiven and loved. I am very respectful and give my pure unconditional love to each being God puts in front of me. I am blessed to be able to help others with my gifts of seeing, hearing and feeling. I use my gifts to receive what your higher self is showing me in symbolism and energy. In some cases, spirit directs me to help with issues in your life for which you are wanting peace and resolution. I can see your inner child and all the fear, confusion, pain, loneliness and anger in your life. I see what some people call the ego and I can create a safe space to witnessed it. This allows me to work with you to bring in healing. The ego is the part of you that is fearful. However, the fearful ego just wants to be loved and witnessed. I can see how you have had your heart broken time and time again over and over. The light comes in through the brokenness. I see your true light and your Higher Self in all its beauteous glory. I hear the words your soul is saying and the messages of guides and your higher self. I call in the Divine and this presence brings the still waters of peace. During this time, you will know and feel the healing love for which your soul is longing. I am the love of the Divine Mother. May you breathe in the love now. May your heart be healed now because in truth it is already, and nothing is more important than your spirit’s healing. Spiritual healing is forever. I am here for you. Don’t be afraid; you are safe. I hear you. I hear your anger and pain. I witness you by bringing in my presence. I love you. You can allow this love in now in your breath. Breathe. Love will set you free and take you to many beautiful places; places that only the brave can go. There your inner child will be healed, and joy will rain down from the sky to feed your soul. May you be healed because in truth you already are. Card reading for the month of February
I have picked 3 cards as a general reading for the month of February. If you are seeking specific guidance, I invite you to contact me for a private reading tailored to your unique situation. The first card is "Love" from the unicorns. The answer you are seeking is to love yourself and others. Enjoy your amazing relationship. Treat the other person the way you want to be treated. Little things matter. Leave a love note, a flower. Kisses say I love you. This is your soulmate. How you treat them is how you feel about God.
If you’re in relationship with someone, that person should think that butterflies and unicorns fly out of your butt. If not, then they do not see your value you deserve. If that is the case, you should look at your life and let go of anything that does not work for you and your best interests. I never suggest impulsively going in and out of relationship. Seek reading, counseling and healing especially if it's a marriage with children or long term relationship. I highly suggest 12 Step groups such as Recovering Couples anonymous. Sex and Love addicts is an amazing program that if you flow the people walking their talk and working steps it will be very painful change your life and is amazing. That is where I grew up emotionally. It's also free and you will have instant community. The second card is "Children." This means loving and guiding children. It can also mean loving and guiding your own inner child. Time to heal yourself. Get emotionally sober, foster honesty and bring in fun by being creative.
The third card is “Successful Completion." This is a time of incredible accomplishment. You are justified in feeling joy and a sense of completion and pride in the amazing job you have done. You have been blessed with many spiritual insights. Soon you’ll begin a new journey, but for now, take time to bask in the happiness of your dreams coming true! If this is not true, then get to work via 12 Step groups, coaching, healing, and/or getting a reading. If you’re not feeling great, you have ego energy effecting you. Contact me for healing session.
Spiritual Foundation Teleconference I am very excited to be able to provide a weekly conference call for six weeks starting March 14. During these calls, I am going to teach different topics that you have been asking for. During these teleconference class you will:
Each class will have this format:
First class March 14, 6:00-7:00 PM PST Time Zone (8:00 PM CT, 9:00 PM EST) Wednesday each week. Total of six will be held. 6 week teleconference class (one time payment $350.00 US) As a free gift when you sign up for the teleconference you are invited to an evening of Light and Healing every 1st and 3rd Tuesday from 6 to 7:30PM CT in Petaluma, CA at my home office. You will receive 3 in-person group sessions with Sibyl. In the in-person sessions, energy transmits even more than on the phone. You will receive healing that will help you with wherever you are on the spiritual path. We will be doing meditation and healing techniques to inspire, settle and help you in every area of your life. Opening your heart, loving yourself and being of service are together the highest calling. It usually takes someone who has done the work to help. A teacher cannot tell you how to become enlightened or spiritually awake. It is a path for you to choose or discover for yourself. For help with healing, connection with Higher Self and guidance to help you on your path, contact me at or call or text me at 707-769-9997. May you be healed because in truth you already are. Many blessings, Sibyl Harmony |
[email protected] Sibyl Harmony is available for Individual & Group readings as well as speaking and teaching engagements.
Check out her new book White Rainbows and have her speak at your next event or reach out to book her for a for reading, next get together, spiritual gathering, team building day, Networking event or healing circle. For entrainment purpose only. if you are ill consult your doctor. No refunds at all after booking. |
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