Welcome to My December Newsletter Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa. Greetings and Welcome to the Winter Solstice. Many cultures and religions celebrate this time of year. This is a very spiritual time of year for healing and peace. I think every day is a day for sacred celebration and healing your heart. Of course this is a special time of year to open your heart to be merry and to celebrate. No pressure, right? Even if you’re alone, it can be a time of year when you can give to yourself. It’s a sacred time of year to allow forgiveness, healing and giving. December is a good month for clear communication and reconnecting with others. Also give yourself extra time when traveling this time of year. Here are some key words for December: review, reconsider, research, resolve, relax, and reset. Please go to my new website: http://www.sibylharmony.com I have many helpful services to help you in life. If you have any questions or do not see something you need, make sure to call or email me. I’d love the chance to find a creative way to address your need. Contact me. I’m using this newsletter to share information with you, tell you about exciting new classes coming soon and also some terrific deals that you can take advantage of during the year. I’m now offering gift certificates for holidays. Give the gift of a reading and healing to loved ones. When you buy two sessions, you receive a third session free. Channel Message for the month of December For this month, I want to share a personal story with all of you. Recently I was spending time with my granddaughter, decorating a gingerbread house. It was so much fun. She put frosting everywhere. Frosting was in big blobs on the sides of the gingerbread house. It got all over her face. She ate the frosting and candy when she thought I wasn’t watching. I let her explore her own creativity and was truly present with her. When we bring our presence we are sitting in sacred energy with someone. It is prayer in action or being. Maggie is four years old. At one point she stopped and looked deeply into my eyes. It was a beautiful moment for both of us. It was as if her soul was connecting with mine. I looked back at her and said in my heart: I see you, I am here with you. We spoke no words but it was a gift we gave to each other that will last forever. The eyes are the window of the soul. We are deep and ancient beings. All of us are. Later that night my grandson Dylan, 10, had a nightmare. He was yelling out in his sleep for help; he woke up crying. I went to him and held him as he wept, missing his mother, who has not been in his life for two years. He was so sad. I just held him as he cried. I was grateful I could be there for him. What if there is no one there? What if we are alone in the night fearful and lonely? Even as adults we all carry the pain of separation, illness, death and loss. Many nights, I woke up crying with no one there. As is true for all of us my inner child just wanted to be loved. What do we do when there is no Grandma coming to comfort us and when Mom had to leave and we aren’t sure why? How do we heal ourselves when we didn’t get what we needed as children? The process begins with our heart. It is in the center of our chest and some call it the heart chakra. The first step is to sit with our feelings and truly feel them. Most people tend to stuff down those feelings. Do the opposite and allow yourself to feel them. I acknowledge that when you go inside you will find pain, fear, walls and resentments. However that pain is a treasure that is your sacred witness. For the next step, open your heart and ask for grace. You can look to the sacred divine mother or the Christ energy for comfort. Feel the grace. In it you will find the beautiful presence of your soul, your heart and so much love. Your whole life will change from a lonely nightmare to one where someone is there for you. For so many, this is a dream come true. You will have what everyone is searching to find. The love, the peace and the presence are all inside you. This is how we heal the world, we heal ourselves. I used to have a spiritual friend who would send healing to everyone while we were out and about together. I was fearful. I thought he might be picking up other people’s negative energy. I now see that it is not possible to pick up negative energy by helping others. Now I enjoy sending healing to everyone; I walk down the street with my heart wide open, blessing and sending love to everyone. I now see that the more love I have and the more I give, the more love I have in return and the more love that I can allow into my heart. I am so blessed. For the holiday, I would like to send you all love from source, as you read this and when you’re alone we are there with you. May you be blessed and healed because, in truth, you already are. Now offering gifts certs for the holidays. Give the gift of reading and healing. Buy two session and receive a free session for anyone you like. Contact me for details. Card reading for the month of December. I hope you enjoy this general reading. I have picked 3 cards again for the month of December. If you are seeking specific guidance, I invite you to contact me for a private reading tailored to your unique situation. 1. A win-win solution: There is strength in diversity. By blending your ideas with others you can come to solutions that are magnificent. Start by focusing on what is agreed upon. Open you mind and work together for the well-being of everyone. Stay balanced and use a moderate approach. 2. Sorceress: You are a magical person and you can manifest your clear intentions into reality. Intention is very important energy for manifesting. There is no lack in the universe. Simply use your intention, follow the guidance you receive and be open. 3. Prayer: Jesus is the energy of manifesting healing and maintaining an open heart. To connect with him simply pray. Prayer is the most powerful loving energy around earth. How can I support and empower you? Opening your heart, loving yourself and being of service is the highest calling. It usually takes someone who's done the work to help us. For help with healing, connection with Higher Self and guidance to help you on your path, contact me at www.sibylharmony.com or call or text me at 707-769-9997. May you be healed because in truth you already are. Many blessings, Sibyl Harmony |
[email protected] Sibyl Harmony is available for Individual & Group readings as well as speaking and teaching engagements.
Check out her new book White Rainbows and have her speak at your next event or reach out to book her for a for reading, next get together, spiritual gathering, team building day, Networking event or healing circle. For entrainment purpose only. if you are ill consult your doctor. No refunds at all after booking. |
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