Welcome to My October Newsletter October signals the time to come into balance. In the month of September we did the work to release the old (or what some call the energy that we no longer need). Last month was also about letting go of old habits. Now we are ready for new opportunities, prosperity, more clearing, and the calming of our emotions. We are also reminded that this is the time to be more present in all that we do. This is the time of year where we begin preparing for winter. Activities include gathering our energy for the coming winter; clearing out the closet of clutter; clearing auras of family issues (on this side and the other) and finding tools to help us with embracing forgiveness and resolve. Take the time to strengthen your body with nutritious food, herbs and vitamins. Consider healing your spirit and body with exercise or yoga. These are all ways of bringing ourselves back into balance. It is crucial to ground and heal your energy field. If you want to be in balance, learn to work on your chakras. I’ve got more details about how to do this in a section below. Make sure to go to my new website: http://www.sibylharmony.com I have many great services to help you in life. If you have any questions or do not see something you need, make sure to call or email me. I’d love the chance to find a creative way to address your need. I will be using this newsletter to share information with you, tell you about exciting new classes coming soon and also some terrific deals that you can take advantage of during the year. I’m now offering gift certificates for holidays. Give the gift of a reading and healing to loved ones. When you buy two sessions, you receive a third session free. In October its important to set your energy in balance. Some believe that their energy field is made up of their thoughts and feelings. These could be set as energy imprints from events, agreements and relationships. These energies are the vibration that determine what you experience in life. Your energy can be used to heal your body, mind and spirit. The energy of love from others feels great and also strengthens your field. Blocked energy in your field such as feelings of anger, fear, resentment, and sadness will hinder you. When we come into the higher centers of awareness we can shift our consciousness to a place of observing our self and others. Instead of judging ourselves, others, and/or situations, we can shift the energy and be the neutral observer. Your life can improve dramatically if your energy and body are in balance. You can use grounding techniques to deepen your connection to mother earth, source and father sky. You are already connected to earth and source, It’s just a matter of recognizing and using connections to assist you in your life. If you would like to start using these tools, one way is to ask Arch Angel Michael (a non-denominational angel) to help you. As a matter of fact you can call on any of the Guardians Angels or your higher self to assist in clearing your energy and finding balance. These beings will help you. You need only ask. Here is a simple exercise to help you with the process. Begin by sitting quietly for about 20 minutes. Imagine putting a gold light in the center of your head right behind your eyes. This gold light is your Higher Self. As you breathe, imagine you are pulling up amazing healing energy from the center of the planet. Start by seeing that energy coming into your feet, moving up your legs to your waist and then moving up your spine to the top of your head. As the mother earth energy moves up your body it heals all parts of your body. During this process see it also clean your aura and grounding cord. When the light fills your body it heals every cell in your body. At the same time, we can see energy coming from the sky or heaven moving down to the top of your heads and all the way down to our toes filling all of our body. This energy is known as Source energy. Allow it to move through your body. This energy creates a protective shield that heals your spirit and connects you to Higher Self, Divine Love, and what we call God or Goddess. This would be a great time to set attention for what you want in life such as peace, serenity, amusement, gratitude, neutrality and joy. This technique of moving energy from earth and Source into your body brings healing balance to your mind, body and spirit. Now offering gifts certs for the holidays. Give the gift of reading and healing. Buy two session and receive a free session for anyone you like. Contact me for details. Card reading for the month of October I asked Spirit to guide me in pulling three cards that would be of general use to everyone. The first card that I pulled for October is “All that glitters is not gold.” This card suggests now is the time to probe under the surface. Glitter is the pretty mask. There is beauty in the world and we naturally want to immerse ourselves in that beauty. However don’t be fooled by superficial appearances or compare yourself to others. Be assured you will experience your own shining moments if you stick to what is real, and what the divine plan is for you. Your true power is in your authentic self and your connection to Spirit. From that everything else easily flows to you. Attune to your alignment with God and all things will then follow in divine and perfect order. The second card speaks to finances: “Change is coming.” The ego can be fearful and does not like change. However don’t be afraid of change. This card heralds change as a reward for diligent work and commitment to one’s purpose. Happily you do have the power to change your finances by taking divinely guided steps through the spiritual law of cause and effect. Effort always yields corresponding results. Clear away fears of survival or of lack that may be blocking your first chakra. Keep thoughts positive as they really do create beneficial financial changes. Ask for help from guides. Reduce expenses. Save for rainy days. Settle debts. New opportunities present themselves. Embracing gratitude always opens the door to more reasons to be grateful. The focus of the third card is relationships and emotions: “Relationships grow closer as people fall in love or current relationships grow stronger.” Friendships deepen. Mutual respect and understanding exist or will develop. Don’t give up on challenging relationships. Have hope; embrace each other. Be willing to accept help from others. Work on feeling safe or creating safety. Open your heart to new ideas. I hope you enjoyed this general reading. I will pick 3 cards again in November. If you are seeking specific guidance, I invite you to contact me for a private reading tailored to your unique situation. How can I support and empower you? If you are not feeling peace, contentment and joy in your life, then you’ve likely got energy in your space that is not yours. For help with healing, connection with Higher Self and guidance to help you on your path, contact me at www.sibylharmony.com or call or text me at 707-769-9997. May you be healed because in truth you already are. Many blessings, Sibyl Harmony |
[email protected] Sibyl Harmony is available for Individual & Group readings as well as speaking and teaching engagements.
Check out her new book White Rainbows and have her speak at your next event or reach out to book her for a for reading, next get together, spiritual gathering, team building day, Networking event or healing circle. For entrainment purpose only. if you are ill consult your doctor. No refunds at all after booking. |
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