April 2019 Hello Beautiful Spirits, April and springtime have long been the time of sacred healing, rebirth, and beginnings. We have the energy of Jesus’ rebirth and also honor the Goddess energy of birth through the symbolic incorporation of eggs into our Easter celebrations. Some people believe Jesus and Mother Mary are connected to the Lemurian beings from Arcturus. Lemurians endeavor to help and heal humankind. Lemurian beings on Earth are most connected to nature, especially trees. Tree hugging is a great way to commune with the Lemurian and Arcturus beings. To receive healing from a tree, lean on or hug it. You will start to feel a pulsing energy. You can ask questions and listen deeply for answers. April is the fourth month and an excellent time to open our hearts and heal the fourth chakra. Be aware of anyone that does not have their heart open. A closed heart interferes with love, intuition and vitality. An open heart raises your vibration and attracts other people that are open hearted and can therefore love you and themselves. We have all had our hearts broken. It is part of life. Heartbreak can close down our heart chakra and cause us to put up emotional walls. This is a natural response to being hurt. However, we cannot truly love ourselves or others unless we let go, forgive, and re-open our hearts. This can also greatly help with reclaiming your intuitive abilities. An open heart is the key to vitality and healing because love is the most powerful medicine. Love heals all things. It feels great and can also help with creativity. The only way to resolve a broken or closed heart is to feel your way through to the other side of the pain. This can be done with energy healing, prayers, and meditating on clearing the blocks of pain and bringing in healing light. If you are experiencing a closed heart chakra, please know you don’t have to be stuck in feeling sorry for yourself or in being a victim. As you choose to open your heart and let go of old hurts, you may feel the pain that you have worked hard to not feel. Many people report crying or feeling sad. Others report just feeling more love. Honor your feelings whatever they may be. Don’t judge. Be compassionate and patient with yourself. Love the inner child that needs time, understanding and healthy boundaries. This healing can take minutes, hours, weeks or even months. Be gentle with yourself. The result will be an open heart that brings the right vibration to create perfect health and attract love and light into your life. To heal yourself, find a quiet place for about 10 to 20 minutes. Put your phone on silent. You can call in the Goddess energy. Jesus is also amazing for healing the heart. But for healing the heart chakra I really like to call in Mother Mary. Mother Mary is the kindest, most compassionate loving energy. Begin by breathing a green healing light into the heart chakra at the center of your chest. You can use other colors, if that feels right for you. Ask your guides to clear the pain and blocks and take down the walls from within your heart and fill you with love. Let this love pulse through you and heal every cell in your body. Let it bring you true safety, which is love, comfort and a healing light. This love vibration clears negativity and heals everything in your life bringing you lasting joy and peace whenever you tune in to it. When you are awakened to 5th level dimension you will live in this space of contentment and higher love. For help with this reading and healing contact me at: 707-769-9997 [email protected] Below you'll find the cards I pulled for April. Easter special: mention this newsletter and receive 20% off your April session. I am running a new psychic development class: “Learn How to Heal Yourself and Loved Ones.” Contact me for details. You can follow me on Facebook at Angels and Avatars. May you be healed because in truth you already are. Many blessings, Sibyl Harmony
[email protected] Sibyl Harmony is available for Individual & Group readings as well as speaking and teaching engagements.
Check out her new book White Rainbows and have her speak at your next event or reach out to book her for a for reading, next get together, spiritual gathering, team building day, Networking event or healing circle. For entrainment purpose only. if you are ill consult your doctor. No refunds at all after booking. |
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